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                                                                                            ( State of 2008. 06)
No. Portfolio Company Date of funding Main
1 Jahwa Electronics 98.11 Magnet parts(PCM, PTC) manufacturer
2 Daibeck 97.07 Abrasive manufacturer (Over 50% in market share worldwide)
3 Taesan LCD 99.07 Semiconductor parts producer
4 Focus 99.09 Focus pack (core parts of TVs and computer monitors) manufacturer
5 Jusung Engineering 98.05 Semiconductor equipment manufacturer
6 Daum Communications 99.05 Korea's No.1 Internet portal service provider
7 Daoudata System 97.08 Dealer for MS Korea (50% market share in local NT market)
8 Insung Information 99.04 Network, S/W and SI(System integration) developer
9 Eagon Windows & Door Systems 97.09 Windows and doors systems designer
10 MINE SA 99.07 clothes for woman
11 TIME I&C 99.08 clothes for woman
12 Tong Yang Magic Co., Ltd. 99.12 home appliances
13 FST 97.06 semiconductor, LCD pellicle
14 UNIWIDE Technologies 98.01 NT server supplier
15 Dasan Internet 99.12 Telecommunications systems producer
16 Daihan Bio Link 98.05 bioTech
17 echo solution 99.09 Soil contamination digonosis
18 AIMHIGH GLOBAL Corp. 00.05 Energy Business
19 K&Company 00.02 BioTech
20 Genetics Holdings Co.,Ltd. 99.11 Internet service
21 hycom Information Communication 00.07 NI business
22 SunYang Tech 99.10 Semiconductor part
23 Soft Win 99.10 S/W
24 Magma Design Automation 00.02 Chip design and implementation software
25 Paxnet, Inc. 99.10 Internet potal
26 RexGene Biotech 01.04 health foods
27 LookSmart 02.03 Internet potal
28 DVS Korea 99.11 DVD Loader manufacture
29 gaeasoft 00.10 Mobile Solution Service
30 withits(samsung kwang jun) 00.04 Semiconduct distribution
31 NITGen 99.07 biometric application/technology
32 JinSeok Yang Design 01.12 Remodeling
33 M-DREAM 01.12 S/W
34 Genitech 98.03 semiconductor CVD
35 MtekVision 03.11 Digital Image Technology
36 DS LCD 99.12 BLU manufacture(LCD)
37 Bioneer Corp. 99.06 Biotech
38 RNL Inc. 01.11 Biotech
39 UBprecision Co. Ltd 04.04 Display / Semiconductor inspection equipments
40 Sewon Cellontech Co. Ltd. 00.09 Biotech
41 CrystalGenomics Inc 00.11 Biotech
42 Q. S. I . Co., Ltd. 01.11 LD(Laser Diode)
43 Integrant Technologies 02.05 RF IC for Mobile TV
44 Infobank Co. 99.11 Provides mobile cyber gateway and other related services. Develops relevent computer
45 Biotoxtech 01.04 Evaluating reliability and effectiveness of new compounds
46 Em-teck 02.09 Microspeaker
47 Mirae Nano Tech 04.06 Design and Produce optical film
48 Semics 05.05 Development of Water Prober
49 Gracel Display 04.12 OLED
50 SiliconFile Technologies 04.04 CMOS Image Sensor
51 Medy-tox 06.01 Manufacture of Biological Products




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