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                                   (* Exchange rate : US $1 = 926.80 / US $ in Thousands)
  1997-2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total
61,171 2,759 2,142 5,953 7,974 79,999
Fund account 33,697 2,801 2,350 4,295 - 43,143
No. of Investee companies 138 4 4 4 6 156

    Note : Each Amount is each fund's balance and Overseas investments are
              excluded above figure.

                                   (* Exchange rate : US $1 = 926.80 / US $ in Thousands)
  2007.12 2006.12 2005.12 2004.12
IT, Computer (S/W, H/W)
semi-conductor Equipment
4,843 22.10% 5,438 4,448 6,269
Internet (Potal & Contents) 5,362 24.47% 3,630 3,730 7,738
Biotechnology 2,889 13.18% 3,239 8,921 15,180
Others 8,820 40.25% 13,391 10,707 11,213
Total 21,914 100.0% 25,698 27,806 40,400

    Note : Venture funds are excluded from the above figure

                                (* Exchange rate : US $1 = 926.80 / US $ in Thousands)
  Formation date Formation figure(A) Invest figure(B)(04,12) Invest ratio (B/A)
HVIC IT¥² 2004. 7.21 10,000 8,155 81.5 %
HVIC Patent Tech¥° 2007. 8.17 20,000 - -
total - 30,000 8,155 -

      Note : Funding Total figure as union


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Copyright(c) Hyundai Venture Investment Corporation